It´s already time for saying Good-Bye to 2011!!
Each year disappears faster and faster,
and I get older and older.....
Well I know everyone get one year older each year,
it´s not just me!!
Now the Christmas is here again!! I don´t think the last Christmas is far away!!
Sorry I haven´t translated the song that Agnetha Fältskog (ABBA) is singing,
but it´s about when the Christmas comes and knock on our doors and asks us if it may come into
our house and be there. It brings a tree from the wood ans lighting candles, and it will not forget
the poor man. It brings gifts in the basket and it will comfort those who are sad.
The best thing it brings is the Baby of Jesus who is the light of the world and who wants to be
our guest in our house and in our heart. Do you want that??
In Sweden we give one another Christmas presents and eat perhaps some Christmas food today on Christmas Eve. Tonight 23.00 (11.00 pm I think) I´m going to the church to sing Christmas songs
in the choir. Merry Christmas!! God Jul!!
The Christmas ham appertains to Christmas here.
And Janssons Frestelse ( "The Temptation of Jansson"?)
It´s potatoes, onion and anchovy.
Oranges with cloves in it hanging in the windows smells great!!
And of course you have to set up a Santa Claus (Tomte)!!
Tonight we´ll sing O Holy Night (by Adolphe Adam) in the choir.
Today isLuciain the calendarin Sweden!SinceI was a child, it has beenLuciacelebrationsaroundthedates, butespeciallytodayof course.Whenthe kidswere small, I rememberthat Ithought it was atoughdaywithseveral appearsof the childrenin school,church andgrandparents!But now whenthe kidsare grown up, it feelsreallyempty, not to goand watch themwhen they singintheir fine Lucia dresses and the lightsin their hands!I missit!I lookedtonightonreplay from the morning,when theyshowedaLucia celebrationofthe Cathedralin Gothenburg!Verynice!
This is from 1970 when I was Lucia in our church.
I remember I was so nervous when I should read: "Jag hälsar er alla som förr mången gång med ljus i min krona och stämningsfull sång.
Jag kommer när mörkast det är här i Norden, när allt synes dött och förfruset på jorden.
När ofta vi även i hjärtat förnimma, som vore där ej en endaste strimma.
Av strålande ljus och av levande hopp, som om isiga kylan där hejdat dess lopp.
Lucia symbol för det ljuset vill vara, som kommer från ovan, det evigt klara.
Som skingra vill dunklet i var mänskosjäl, som lysa och värma och allt göra väl.
Jag hälsar er alla som förr mången gång, med ljus i min krona och stämningsfull sång."
At lastthe sun is shiningagain!A littleeasier now when I´m looking on the groundoutsidethat has turned whitewith snow.The sunisnot here many hours in Decemberso you have to be quickto takeout the cameraifyou want to takeapicture of it!Soon thesun will be shininghigherin the skyagain. Today in the afternoon it smelt wonderful in the house!Couldnot keep to bakesomegingerbreads.There are somany tastygingerbreadsto buyin the stores,but thereisalwayssomething special aboutgingerbreadscent! Anyhow, therewerethree baking plates.Actually I boughta ready-madedoughto bakewith.The doughwasgoodto eat too....
The sun is shining a little while.
Statue of Liberty as gingerbread....
Can´t help my thoughts are to you over there!!
The Advent Candles is always something special to put in the windows!
At least I think so. It´s so dark outside at this time of the year so the candles and the
Advent Stars in the windows make the atmosphere much more nice!! Here it´s a tradition
to have an advent candle with 4 candles which you light up with matchsticks, a new each Sunday, until it´s Christmas. In our house it´s Advent without such candles!! Once when I was a child I scorched my hair on a candle flame when we were in our church on a Easter party!! I´m so afraid since then, so if I need to light up candles I use small candle lamps with tealights. Nowadays there´re even safer tealights with batteries!!
Well I wish you a really nice and peaceful Advent tomorrow and let us not forget that Advent means
"Coming of Jesus" who we´re waiting for!!
This wreath Victoria made to me several years ago but it´s still
beautiful I think. I know it has faded, but the needles is still left!!
I let it hang on the inside of the door.
I´ve got something white on my cheek.
Perhaps it´s the sun reflecting on my mobile
through the window?
Todayit was time togoto the hairdresseragain at A6 Center in Jönköping!!It's great tobe able to sit down at the hairdresserandsoshe arrangessothat I feel like a human being again!AsI alwayssay:I feeltwo yearsyoungerwhen I have
cut the hair! ThenI lookeda littleinside the H&M.I tried tofinda dress.I'mnot the one that like going inthedresswhatsoever.Nowadaysit'sfashionableto go to"maternity clothes"!All otherfitsin it butnot me.It usually takesseveral years after thenew fashionthat Istart to thinkabout it.I likejeans best....butsometimes itisbest to have something more beautiful.Well,I foundtwoidenticaldressesbut withdifferent colors.Onegrayandoneblack.It's good enough! AfterH&M, I wascravingcoffeeso I boughtcoffeeand a french roll andthought of takingthe elevator to thesecond floor wheretables and chairsare placed.Then it'sanote on the doorto the elevatorwhere it says: Out of order.Just go back tothe clerkand ask her to carry up my coffee tray on the stair!! Then there wasthe grocery storebefore I phoned forthe mobility service.Whichafternoonthere!Allthingswere movedaround tonew locationsin the hallso it was no uselooking atmy tab!Justpickedwith mewhat IthoughtI needed.....
A6 Center seems to be 25 years next year.
The elevator out of order!!
The stair up to the tables and chairs.
In the grocery store today they had blue orchids,
(Phalaenopsis). I´ve never seen blue phalaenopsis
before, just another blue orchid that´s called Vanda.
Outside the A6 Center waiting for the mobility service.
When the weather is like this with a blue sky,
it´s possible to be in November!!
Today it is averysimpledate.It's111111th.Not evenweherein Swedenand you in theU.S.for examplewrite the numbers in the date indifferentordertoday!Otherwisewe use tomixup the numbers!I assume thatmany get marriedtodayordosomething specialjust torememberthisday.I do thinkthereissomething special aboutthisday, but it wasthe sameyesterday, one can say. "Each dayisa raregift,a shimmeringpossibility" as it says ina hymn. (In Swedish: "Var dag är en sällsam gåva, en skimrande möjlighet".) Whenmy husband and I got married, we hadthathymn,by the way.It suitsevery day...
One of myFacebook friendstold me thatit was The Mudcake Daytoday.I've neverheard of that before.Have youever?A monthago, on October 4, I heardon the radiothat it was The Cinnamon rollsDay.Ilooked it upon googleand found wasthe wholeyear'svarioustheme days.Unfortunately, I readnotso carefully, so Inever sawthat there was aday for Mudcake Daytoo.Luckilymy daughter made a Mudcakeyesterday,becauseofthat we werecelebratingmy husband.Butitwas enough forthe rightday too!
I wonderwhen politicianswill understandthat thecobblestone streetsareworthlessfor the disabled?Idon´t sitin a wheelchairbut Istumbleoftenwithmyright leg! Shall not The Smithy street (Smedjegatan)in Jönköping be apedestrian street?Make sure therightnewpavementis used!!
Per Brahegymnasiet. (Per Brahe Upper Secondary School.)
The school has ancestry from the 17th Century.
Existently building is from 1913. Then it was called Jönköpings
Högre Allmänna Läroverk. (Senior general secondary school.)
1971 it was Per Brahegymnasiet.
Today Tuesday, I wasin Jönköping.When Iwentdown to The EastMain StreetI was in The BrahePark.It'snot oftenI walkthere, only inCity HallPark.InThe Brahepark isthe oldPer BraheUpper Secondary Schoolwhere Iwentthe years1976-78.I geta nostalgicfeelingwhen I walknext to itnow.I nearly openthe doorand lookin again.But if Idid it the today'sstudentswouldlaugh atme!It's33 years ago sinceI leftthere so it´shardlylikely thatthereis noteacherleft thatI know!But Idon´t think thereisso muchredesigned of the building, so I'd probablyrecognizemost of it.I'll see ifI can´ttakea chancesometimeand lookin there!!
Smålandsflickorna (The Småland Girls)
by Torwald Alef 1951.
Allold and wornbreaks! A plateon the stovehasof coursebeenreplaceda few times,but now it'sjust onethat worksproperly!To cookthe dinnernowtakemuch longer time than usual!One of the otherplatesis brokencompletely, the largest andonesmallplategoesathalfheat.Same with thestove, which alsogoesonhalfheat.Vågetriedotherplugsbut itcertainly had notto do with iteither!!I hopethe electricianmaycome soonand that heunderstandswhat isbroken.Otherwise,you´ll have tospend money ona new.... It's the samewithmy TV.Havenotworkedthe last few weeks.ButTV I can of coursedo without!!
Today on Thursday Ivacuumed.What ifI at leasthad had leftmy firstvacuum cleaner,whichI got frommy becoming husband,when Igraduated!Ihadjust movedinto an apartmentin Jonkoping, so Ireallyneeded it!Thenwe used it manyyears of our marriagebefore it stopped working.There are novacuum cleanersI have hadafterthat, which have beenas good as thefirst!I'll be honestand say thatvacuuming isamongthedullestandmost ungratefulthat I can do!Perhaps it's probably becauseit's sohard tovacuumingwith my left hand only. I getso tiredofit in my arm and in the shoulder too.So you see,Idustno more frequentlythan isnecessary!And todayit wasreallynecessary!Inallcases,soone can alwayswalk aroundandthink of somethingpleasantin the meantime!Thendroppedmy thoughtson anothervacuum cleaner, "dammsugare"!Whogavethecakethat nameI do not know, but I'veheard that the nameis because that on theinside ofthe cakecan be manycrumbs....andcrumbsmay need tobe vacuumedoff the floor!Perhapsthere are otherreasons whythe cakehasgotthat namehere.Sometimescalledthepunch-rolltoo!No matterwhat itis now called, it isgoodto eatwith my coffee!Yum!!