onsdag 26 oktober 2011


Per Brahegymnasiet. (Per Brahe Upper Secondary School.)
The school has ancestry from the 17th Century.
Existently building is from 1913. Then it was called Jönköpings
Högre Allmänna Läroverk. (Senior general secondary school.)
1971 it was Per Brahegymnasiet.
 Today Tuesday, I was in Jönköping. When I went down to The East Main Street I was in The Brahe Park. It's not often I walk there, only in City Hall Park. In The Brahe park is the old Per Brahe Upper Secondary School where I went the years 1976-78. I get a nostalgic feeling when I walk next to it now. I nearly open the door and look in again. But if I did it the today's students would laugh at me! It's 33 years ago since I left there so it´s hardly likely that there is no teacher left that I know! But I don´t think there is so much redesigned of the building, so I'd probably recognize most of it. I'll see if I can´t take a chance sometime and look in there!!

Smålandsflickorna (The Småland Girls)
by Torwald Alef 1951.


The students walked to The City Hall Park.

The City Hall.

2 kommentarer:

  1. Her har det kommet flere nye innlegg siden sist jeg tittet innom :-) Herlig med gamle minner fra studietiden. Tror faktisk ikke jeg har vært i Rådhusparken og Braheparken. Men Stadsparken derimot har jeg vært i flere ganger, blant annet var vi der på midsommarfirande en gang da barna var små.
    Tusen takk for koselige kommentarer på kortene mine!
    Ønsker deg en fin helg!

    Klem, Kari

  2. Nej men vad kul att du kommer ihåg Stadsparken!! Det är ju fin utsikt över stan där. Under tiden jag gick på gymnasiet hyrde jag och en annan elev var sitt rum i en suterrängvilla, och det låg lite högre upp på en gata som hette Dunkehallavägen och området där kallades Dalvik. Det låg inte långt från Stadsparken.
    Trevlig helg uppe i Norge också!!

    Kram, Anette.


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